Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Financial Summary

Been doing some financial research for the past few months - From reading investment blogs & forums, watching financial documentaries/books to comparing the interest rates of different local banks.

Now that I've been working for 1 year+, I think it's really time to look in these. Feel that it's already late, but better late then never, right?

Financially, I think I'm doing pretty well. At the very least, I'm completely debt free.

These are some of the financial actions I've taken in the past year:

- Consolidated and organized the insurance policies from childhood (Thanks mum).
- Purchased a private H&S insurance plan.
- Closed down redundant bank account.
- Diligently keep track of my expenditures for 6 months.
- Accumulated a healthy, more than recommended amount of emergency funds.
- Set aside the emergency funds into 2 of the highest interest rate saving accounts in Singapore (No plans to touch them from now on)
- Saved up a pot of investment fund that I think is now sufficient to make meaningful and efficient investments.
- Created a new securities account on a new platform (which I think is better than the old)
- Brought my first "Precious Metal"! (small one lah)


Now, the plan for the new year will of course be getting started in investments. Allocation, diversifying, learning about different securities...... It will be fun~

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